veHLDR and Gauges

veHLDR and Gauges are not yet live for Hodlr

The veHLDR and Gauge system is designed to promote long-term token-holder alignment, decentralize Liquidity Mining allocation, and facilitate fair protocol revenue distribution. This system is based heavily on Curve's veCRV system.

veHLDR Overview

veHLDR (vote-escrow HLDR) is a vesting and yield system based on Curve’s veCRV mechanism which locks 80/20 wNEAR/HLDR Holdr Pool Tokens for a maximum of 1 year.


Gauges Overview

Gauges are a class of contracts that determine how Liquidity Mining (LM) is allocated.

There are a few Gauge Types to handle a few scenarios; some Gauge Types require voting with veBAL to give specific Gauges a higher weighting, while others are fixed-amount distribution channels. These per-Gauge-Type amounts can be changed by Governance vote.


  • Voting with veBAL: Allocating LM to specific Ethereum mainnet pools

  • Fixed-Amount: Amounts designated for the LM Committee to allocate as they see fit


Last updated